CSCA Hellenic ePassport and eID

Last update

Document date: Aug 18, 2022

This document contains information on the Hellenic CSCA operated by the Hellenic Police. The latest version of this document can always be found on this page.

Issuance of documents based on the new key certificate will start on September 1st 2022.

CSCA Public Key Certificate Information
The distinguished name of the Hellenic CSCA is:

C=GR, O=Hellenic Republic, CN=CSCA-HELLAS, E=

The CSCA uses two types of key pairs:

  • a main key pair,
  • a number of backup key pairs.

The main key pair is used to issue Document Signer certificates. Backup key pairs are only used for disaster-recovery, in the unlikely case that the main key pair becomes unusable. In such an occurrence, the first backup key pair will become the new main key pair, etc.

DER encoded certificates for the CSCA public keys can be found through the following links. Further information required to verify the authenticity of the following certificates is also available in authentic printed form upon request.

Main Public Key Certificate

The current main public key is available both as a self-signed certificate, and as a link certificate, verifiable by the previous main public key with relative distinguished name of SN=7. This key has the relative distinguished name of SN=9.

  • Main public key:
    Main public key
    Archive ZIP, 1.79 KB, 5023 downloads, Aug 18, 2022 13:10
  • Link Main public key certificate:
    Link Main public key
    Archive ZIP, 1.82 KB, 4461 downloads, Aug 18, 2022 13:10


Main Public Key Certificate subject key identifier:

Note: This subject key identifier is identical for both the self-signed and the link certificate.


Self-signed Main Public Key Certificate (csca_main_ss.cer) SHA-1 thumbprint


Link Main Public Key Certificate (csca_main_lnk.cer) SHA-1 thumbprint


Certificate Revocation List (CRL)

  • Certificate Revocation List (CRL):
    Archive ZIP, 0.85 KB, 4387 downloads, Aug 18, 2022 13:10

Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Authority key identifier:


Certificate Revocation List (CRL) SHA-1 thumbprint


Backup Public Key Certificates

Only the first backup public key will published at any one time. The first backup public key is available as both a self-signed certificate, and as a link certificate, verifiable by the main public key.

The first backup public key has the relative distinguished name of SN=10.

First Backup Public Key Subject Key Identifier:

Note: This subject key identifier is identical for both the self-signed and the link certificate.


First Backup Public Key Self-Signed Certificate (csca_backup_ss.cer) SHA-1 thumbprint:


First Backup Public Key Link Certificate (csca_backup_lnk.cer) SHA-1 thumbprint:


Contacting the CSCA

The official website of the Hellenic CSCA is:

The preferred means of communication with the CSCA is via electronic mail. The CSCA's email address is:

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